Sister Jossi

Inspired by a Chislehurst Nun

I met Sister Josephine 18 months ago through celebrity photographer Duncan Raban. Duncan spoke highly of Sister and when she came to visit, he gave her the red carpet treatment at the station, pub and pond!

Sister needed somewhere to live and within two months had moved into one of the Alms houses here in Chislehurst; though a Catholic nun, the Anglican church welcomed her wholeheartedly.

Sister's previous home was furnished, so all she seemed to have was two chairs and many boxes of books! It was a frantic few weeks preparing her new home.

A number of people freely gave their time and money to make sure she had a bed, carpet, curtains, fridge, cooker, table and even a new kitchen! A local carpenter (Clive) worked into the early hours putting in the kitchen – he seemed to delight in having the opportunity to help. And Duncan. No words can describe the measures he took to make it all happen. He sacrificed his time and money for someone in need, someone he respected and cared about.

One of my favourite sayings is, 'make a difference where you are'; Sister does just that. She spends many hours on public transport and that is where all her best conversations happen.

I attend Christ Church Chislehurst and Sister is a Catholic nun, both Christians yet we express our faith and worship in different ways, which is refreshing. I have never met a nun before properly and am intrigued by the way she operates day to day. On Sundays, Sister often attends her own mass at St Patrick's Church, pops in for the tail end of Ichthus Christian Fellowship to hear the preach and finishes up at the Annunciation for coffee. And they all welcome her openly.

When visiting Sister, I have met other nuns from her order and her brother who is a Catholic Priest – one day I dropped in and there were four Nigerian Priests having tea and one priest doing the washing up – it was surreal and such a lot of fun!

There is a posse of carpenters and plumber who meet daily for coffee at Neros, one-day Sister asked them over for tea. Invites were prepared and they actually came for tea and scones – they loved it.

I imagine this can be tough as she is always in the public eye; having to set a positive example to others daily. However, as someone dedicated to her faith, Sister radiates – like the old Ready Brek advert.

They say the more time you spend with someone you become like them – Sister has got to know her Father daily for 45 years and I think some of his character has rubbed off!

I am really glad to have met Sister Josephine, she continues to be an inspiration and a true friend.

If you see Sister in Chislehurst, do say hello!

Written by Clare Herriot | Photographs by Duncan Raban

Sister Josephine is a member of a pontifical order of The Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus and has been a nun for over 40 years. She is a qualified health and behavioural change professional, Lifestyle Coach expert, and Project Coordinator for a youth charity called SteerRight.

You can read more about Sister in these articles: Young people ready to save a life and Duncan meets Sister Josephine.

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